International Film Festival Awards
October 12, 2019
Our first feature film, “Taste and See” has garnered attention around the world. We’ve now had “Offical Selection” in 10 International film festivals.
We’ve picked up 5 Winner’s awards in a number of categories, including Best Documentary at the Inspired Faith Film Festival.
Currently we are in post production for our second feature documentary. This was filmed in Cambodia in and we are aiming for a release date before the end of this year! This film features an amazing sustainable aquaponics project. It aims to stop child trafficking at the source, by generating income for poor families and therefore keeping families together and children off the street.
Inspirational stuff!
And further feature film projects seem to be unfolding; We are off to Indonesia in July to film the sequel to “Taste and See”… so we are racking up the frequent flyer miles!
At the heart of it all is the skill of telling good stores in compelling ways. Whether its a corporate vision, a new product or service…or a feature film documentary; there is a need to tell a good story…and tell it well.
And that’s what we do at Winter Wonderland Productions.
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